Are flavours that important in gummies?

Published on
July 18, 2024
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Fun fact: of all the gummies across Europe and North America, 98% of products only contain one flavour!

And, regardless of category (beauty, brain, CBD, etc.), the flavours all fall within the fruit and citrus bracket.

It seems that the flavours associated with gummies aren’t nearly as diverse as flavours we see in protein products.

But why?

Do fruit flavours in gummy format remind us of sweets like wine gums and fruit pastels, creating an easy cross over from sweets?

Is it that the texture of a gummy fits with fruit and citrus flavours, but chocolate flavour against a gummy texture makes you cringe slightly? Just how much chocolate would need to be added to make this appealing?

Is it the case that flavours in gummies aren’t as important as in protein shakes, because of the serving size and reason to take them?

Or maybe it’s just that gummy forms have limited capacity for additives and ingredients, so the flavours we see most in the market are the ones that can be easily (and more cheaply) added?

The bigger question though, is whether flavour in gummies is the big selling point.

It seems that flavour is a benefit over unflavoured, but with the majority of products only having one of a very small pool of flavours, you could be forgiven for thinking that flavour isn't that important to consumers, as long as it tastes nice.