Privacy Policy

Effective date: April 3, 2024

We know how important your personal information is used and shared and we appreciate your trust in us to do that carefully and sensibly. This notice describes the privacy policy of By visiting, or becoming a member, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Notice.

2. Information collection

2.1 Controllers of personal information
Any personal information provided to or to be gathered by is controlled primarily by Nutrition Integrated Ltd., Leavesden Park Suite 1, 5 Hercules Way, Watford, Hertfordshire, England, WD25 7GS.

2.2 Data you provide
The types of information we collect will depend on the services you are using through Nutrition Integrated. Examples of the personal data we collect include: Full name and personal details including contact information (e.g. email address and phone number)Billing and payment information (if you sign up for a subscription or payment plan).

2.3 Automatically gathered information
We use website analytics tools to gather information about how you use and interact with our platform. We also monitor website traffic and interaction through google analytics. All of this information is anonymised and aggregated. Google operates independently and has its own privacy policy. To review this, please visit Google Analytics Privacy and Data Sharing.

2.4 Cookies
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or device whilst browsing the internet. These are created and can be used to collect data to recognise you and your preferred online settings. This helps to deliver a better service and provide more appropriate content for you. You can manage your cookies at any time using your browser.

3. Use of information
All the information we collect is used to maintain your account with us, personalise your experience, optimise the services we provide, and attend to any issues. We may also use your email address or other information to contact you for administrative purposes, or for promotion of updates and events. If you would not like to receive these updates, please contact us to unsubscribe.

4. Third-Party Disclosure
We may collect information from third party service providers such as Google Analytics. However, we do not share or disclose any of your personal information with third parties without your consent.

5. Information Protection
All information gathered stays strictly secure and confidential within our system. Only authorised persons are permitted to access and handle personal information, and must follow confidentiality, security, and privacy rules and laws. Whilst no electronic data system is 100% secure, we strive to use maximum measures to protect your information and regularly monitor our systems for any weaknesses. Should we incur any issues, we will address them as quickly as possible and contact you with any implications or actions that need to be taken.

6. User rights
We will retain the personal data you give us as long as you are subscribed to our services or updates. In some cases, we may retain certain information regarding service use and website analytics in an anonymous and depersonalised manner. You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal information that we hold at any time.Should you wish to exercise these rights, please contact

7. Notification of Changes
Our business changes constantly and our Privacy Notice and the Terms & Conditions are updated in accordance with this. You should check our website frequently to see any changes. This notice was last updated on 11 November 2021.

8. Contact details
If you have any concerns about privacy at Nutrition Integrated, please e-mail us a thorough description to and we will endeavour to resolve the issue for you.