Ingredient tracker Q&A

Published on
February 12, 2025
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With Nick Morgan, founder and MD of Nutrition Integrated

Tell us, in just one sentence, what the ingredient tracker is for. 

In a nutshell, the tracker lets users see how their chosen ingredient is being utilised across the active nutrition market; that is – which products it is and isn’t present in. 

Why should I use it? 

Because it offers huge potential for prospecting and innovation, by allowing you to see which products are using any chosen ingredient. 

This could be your own ingredient, competitor ingredients, alternative ingredients, or branded ingredients. 

This information then forms the basis of your prospecting and it goes beyond simply giving you a list of companies to contact, because it also gives you the insights needed to form appropriate pitches and sales strategies. 

Does the tracker list the ingredients I want to monitor? 

Our tracker isn’t a one-size-fits-all, so there isn’t a set list of ingredients to choose from. Instead, we create a tracker that is bespoke to each user and monitors the individual ingredients that they choose.  

This also enables us to add user-specific parameters to the tracking, such as competitor ingredients, branded ingredients, dose, and claims. 

Where does the tracker get its information from? 

The tracker uses data from our proprietary ANIE platform, which contains details of more than 25,000 active nutrition products and 50,000 SKUs across 40+ countries.

Because we input the full ingredients list for each product into our database, the tracker can easily search this information to provide accurate and detailed results.  

What makes your tracker so good? 

The sensitivity of the search is what really sets our ingredient tracker apart. 

Because we can refine searches according to precise filters, we can provide the double-click detail of the relevant universe related to any given ingredient. 

It also means we can dive into ingredient form. So rather than just saying “here’s all the products that contain magnesium”, we’re able to tell you whether it’s magnesium oxide, chloride, glycinate and so on. 

Want to know more? Book your demo today.