Market watch: bars vs powders

Published on
March 28, 2024
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The number of protein bars available across Europe has significantly decreased, while the protein powders category has continued to grow, according to our latest data analysis.

Protein bars

The findings reveal a 13% reduction in the number of protein bars on offer in the 12 months ending December 2023.

At 25%, the rate of delists considerably outpaced the rate of new product launches, which stood at 12%.  

For wholefood protein bars – that is, a nutrition or cereal bar claiming protein – the reduction is even more stark at 25%, thanks to a 30% delist rate compared to a 5% new product rate.

Nick Morgan, managing director at Nutrition Integrated, explained:

“Bars have become a really popular format, in no small part due to their convenience and appeal for the everyday consumer. But what we’re now seeing is a market that’s reaching a saturation point.  

“Consumers only want so many choices and there’s only so much space on shelves, so brands are starting to consolidate their offering to focus on the bars that sell, and lose the ones that don’t.

“With many consumers increasingly turning to protein bars as healthier alternatives to traditional confectionery, the need to differentiate is greater than ever. For brands though, this poses a challenge as developments need to be tangible enough to create stand out while avoiding a broader industry issue of just being another ‘me too’.

“Where we’re seeing great innovation is when protein brands are collaborating with well-known confectionery brands to create products that are unique and that provide intrigue and nostalgia that drives trial.

“Examples here include the iconic Mondelez inspired collaboration of Grenade and Oreo, Trek’s collaboration with Lotus Biscoff, and Big’s collaboration with legacy candy brand Conguitos.”

Protein powders

The news is more positive when it comes to protein powders.  

While some categories, such as gainers and blends have seen a reduction (-7% and -3%, respectively), collagen and clear protein have experienced substantial growth.

Across the year, there was a 17% increase in the number of collagen brands and a 29% increase in the number of collagen products available.

The clear whey category saw a 12% increase in the number of products available.

But despite the macro trend for a more plant-based diet, there was a 3% decrease in the number of plant-based protein powders available.  

Nick continued:

“In powders, it’s no surprise that collagen products are experiencing such substantial growth, as brands continue to find new ways to innovate with the ingredient of the moment, while clear protein continues to gain traction as a product that appeals to both everyday consumers and those looking for alternatives to milky protein shakes.

“But while a 3% decrease in plant based protein powders isn’t huge, the fact the category hasn’t grown against the macro trend for plant based products is surprising.

“There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, protein powders have manifested differently in plant than they have in whey. Whey has a huge range architecture that allows for multiple product options to be developed – whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, hydrolysed whey etc. But plant protein doesn’t have that, and the market isn’t mature enough – at least not yet – to support the growth of multiple protein powders.

“The other reason is that the flavour, taste and texture of plant based protein powders still don’t meet the standards that consumers are looking for. And while there have been huge improvements in this across the industry, we’re not there yet. So for now, as a new, better tasting product is developed, it makes sense to take out an older product that may not be selling as well, resulting in the number of total products staying about the same.”