Different and owning it: how to tell if we’re the right market research partner for you

Published on
July 8, 2024
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How to tell if we’re the right market research partner for you

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you already use Innova Market Insights or (and) Mintel. Or one of the many other data providers around. It’s ok, we know. To be honest, it’s the biggest objection we come up against – “we already use [data platform] that does what you do”. 

Now, we’re not here to start criticising. Quite the opposite, in fact. Innova and Mintel are excellent at what they do, and we’re not going to try and tell you otherwise. Because actually, we’re cool with you using them. And you know why? Because we’re different.  

Not better. Different. And, for many of our clients, the perfect complement to either of these platforms. 

Let us explain. 

Active nutrition industry experts

The truth is, all three of us have a ton of expertise in the nutrition industry. But where we differ is that we’re experts in active nutrition specifically, and absolutely nothing else. 

It’s the only string to our bow and because of this, we can provide unparalleled insights and context about the world of active nutrition.

Plus, our team is made up of experts who get the active nutrition industry both from a professional and personal point of view, so we understand the nuances of the market, from the latest trends in protein supplements to the evolving preferences of fitness enthusiasts.

Custom market insights 

We can’t deny, Mintel and Innova offer extensive market data, and it’s good stuff. But let’s face facts, in the grand scheme of things, active nutrition is pretty niche and so market-wide research might not offer that much detail about it. 

Thankfully, this is where we shine – and is one of those ways that we can perfectly complement the more high-level insights. 

We know we’re niche and it’s exactly where we want to be. So our platform, data, reports etc – they’re niche too. And they give you that deep dive detail that turns a more general market report into glorious technicolour. 

More than that – our data solutions and reports are customised; both to our clients and to address the specific challenges and opportunities within the active nutrition market. 

Market intelligence and thought leadership

Look up ‘thought leader’ in the (active nutrition) dictionary and we’re pretty sure you’ll see a picture of our founder, Nick. 

That’s not to say other providers don’t have thought leaders – we know they do and we know they’re good – but, again, it comes back to that focus on active nutrition as a category in its own right rather than a small part of a wider industry approach. 

Nick and actually, our whole team are actively engaging with the active nutrition community all the time, for the very reason that it lets us build a closer connection with our audience and means we stay at the forefront of industry developments. And then we pass all that knowledge onto our clients. 

Expert recommendations 

Our favourite question is “so what?”. Because if what we’re saying doesn’t have a so what, then we’re not doing our job properly. 

We don’t just report findings, we give our clients strategic and practical advice that helps them turn our data and insights into something meaningful for their businesses. 

And not just with our consultancy work, but with everything we do and every piece of content we produce. 

So in conclusion… 

Choosing Nutrition Integrated means choosing a partner that’s deeply committed to the success of active nutrition brands, thanks to our unique blend of expertise and absolute dedication to our sector.

Like we said at the beginning, we’re not here to try and tell you that we’re better, just explain how we’re different. 

And how using us alongside any other data providers you may have is actually a great idea, assuming you want the most comprehensive understanding of the active nutrition market going. 

Any questions? Want to discuss more? Book a meeting now, we’d love to talk.